You may be paying too much for auto and motorcycle insurance and not even know it. Regardless of which insurance you are looking at, it is a state law everywhere that you carry at least minimum liability insurance. The law says you have to carry at least liability or minimum insurance, so why are you carrying full coverage if you don’t have to be? You do want to save money, don’t you? What is your track record when it comes to accidents? If liability or minimum is enough for the state than it should be good enough for you as well. Those who are the best drivers are probably the ones who are always carrying full coverage. Truth is liability insurance will cover any damage that you do or that is done to the other person’s property. Even though your bills are not covered, technically, if they have at least liability insurance then the damage they cause to your property will be covered by theirs. Each level of insurance also has a different deductible amount. If you want to reduce your rate even lower, consider having your deducible raised. By raising your deducible (amount you are responsible for before your insurance kicks in) your premium (bill) will be lower. Some of the factors you need to look into before dropping your full coverage include: Do you own the car or is it on a lease? What is the value of the car you are looking to drop your full coverage on? And finally, know what will be covered and what will not be covered.
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